An image of Cat An image of a audio icon


played by: Danny John-Jules

first appearance: "The End" (1988)

planet of origin: Unknown

Cat was originally known as Frankenstein and was a Cat. However, during the radiation leak on the Red Dwarf ship, Frankenstein evolved into "the Cat", where he took on human form. He loves himself and would always obsess about his looks and appearance. He likes nothing better than just having to sleep and eat, which would always frustrate and annoy the other members of the crew, especially when he once said that if they were at risk of dying whilst he was having a nap, he would not save them and let them die. He also admitted to them that he only cares about himself and no one else. Cat also feels that his is irresistible towards all women.

1) What was Cat originally known as?

a. Dave
b. Stuart
c. Frankenstein

2) What would the Cat always obsess about?

a. eating and drinking
b. his looks and appearance
b. his crewmembers

3) What is the first name of the actor that plays Cat?

a. Danny
b. Harry
c. Stuart

4) Who does the Cat feel he is irresistible towards?

a. men
b. women
c. both

5) Who does Cat only care about?

a. himself
b. everyone
c. his family

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©Fact file, timeline, video, trivia and facts written by Grant Williams