An image of Lister An image of a audio icon


played by: Craig Charles

first appearance: "The End" (1988)

planet of origin: Earth

Dave Lister is the last remaining human and works as a third-class technician upon Red Dwarf where Rimmer is his supervisor which he utterly hates. He became the last human on the ship due to being frozen whilst there was a radiation leak, which wiped out all of the other crew members. He was frozen because he was caught having Frankenstein on board. Lister would always be seen having a curry and drinking larger on the ship, which were two of his favourite things. Lister developed feelings for his fellow passenger aboard Red Dwarf Kochanski. However this was short-lived due to her being killed because of the radiation leak. Lister would mostly be seen wearing his leather jacket and deerstalker hat. He is also very lazy and would often not feel motivated to do anything than just to sit down and listen to his favourite band Rastability Skank.

1) Lister is the last remaining...?

a. alien
b. human
c. pilot

2) What two things does Lister love the most?

a. having a curry and drinking lager
b. sleeping and partying
c. being in charge and messing around

3) Who did Lister developed feelings towards on Red Dwarf?

a. Kryten
b. Donald
c. Kochanski

4) What do you normally see Lister wearing?

a. a shirt
b. a leather jacket
c. a jumper

5) Was Lister frozen during the radiation leak on Red Dwarf?

a. yes
b. no

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©Fact file, timeline, video, trivia and facts written by Grant Williams