An image of Rimmer An image of a audio icon


played by: Chris Barrie

first appearance: "The End" (1988)

planet of origin: Unknown

Rimmer is a hologram (which is the reason for why he wears a H symbol on top of his forehead), who likes to think he is the captain of Red Dwarf and Starbug. This is why his crew members often target him for playing jokes and pranks. However, due to him being a Hologram, he is incapable of now performing as second in charge, which is his actual rank. In the first episode the character was killed because of a radiation leak on the ship, which is why he later became a hollogram. The effects of him being a hologram is that he cannot leave the ship unless he has Kryten by his side whilst carrying a portable device. Rimmer likes to think he knows everything, for which why his crew members also give him nicknames such as Smeghead and Captain Bollocks. He was also often seen as being a wimp and would always blame his fellow crewmembers and take no responsibility.

1) What is the name of the actor that plays Rimmer?

a. David Tennant
b. Hugh Laurie
c. Chris Barrie

2) What symbol does Rimmer wear on the top of his forehead?

a. H
b. U
b. A

3) Is Rimmer the Captain of Red Dwarf and Starbug?

a. yes
b. no

4) What nickname is his usually called?

a. Smeghead
b. Silly
b. Weird

5) How many times have Rimmer failed to have taken the Astronavigation exam?

a. 2 or 3 times
b. never
c. 9 or 10 times

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©Fact file, timeline, video, trivia and facts written by Grant Williams